Anya's Shudder Recommendations: March 2018
With spring comes a fresh batch of genre classics and new blood for your horror consumption. In addition to their ever-growing exclusive...
Danno, Drinks, and Daisy Dukes at 12 South Taproom
When people hear the name Nashville, their thoughts immediately turn to cowboy hats, rhinestones, and the Grand Ole Opry. Twanging...
Women In Horror Month: Mary C. Russell
Women in Horror Month focuses pretty heavily on actresses and directors every year. In fact, I’m hard pressed to think of many pieces I...
Sing Your Fears Away
Look, guys, I know it sounds cheesy but we need to bring back the horror song in some of today’s movies. They weren’t frequent, and far...
New On Shudder: January 2018
Happy New Year to all of you gorehounds and thrill-seekers! The weather outside is still frightful but if your New Year’s resolution is...
Watch: Short Horror Films from Workobeyfilms
There’s nothing better than waking up during this festive season, checking the e-mail and seeing a scare maker share their work with us;...
Miguel Sagaz and the Cult of American Horror Story
I warn you now, American Horror Story fans, there are spoilers ahead so if you haven’t caught yourself up on the current season, don’t...
Women in Horror Film Festival is Returning to Peachtree City!
Back in September I told you about the incredible Women in Horror Film Festival in Peachtree City, Georgia. For three days attendees were...
An Unorthodox Interview with Juan Gabriel Pareja
I want to start this off by both thanking Juan Gabriel Pareja as well as offering my sincere apologies. I made a few mistakes when it...
New On Shudder: December 2017
It’s all chills and thrills this December! Good boys and girls will be getting a special treat under the tree this month with a new...