Taking Off the Blindfold for Bird Box
I sat down and watched Bird Box on Netflix earlier this week. Like any bigger budget, A list celebrity horror film I went in with more...

Beautiful - The Slit Mouthed Woman Comes to Culver City
"Tangled in the web of dreams and reality, a homicide detective must fight against the evil spirit from an old Japanese urban legend to...

Jax in Love - A Cautionary Tale for Your Holiday Travels
I love that old story about the scorpion and the fox. The scorpion convinces a fox to allow it to ride on its back and together cross a...

Video Palace - A New Frontier for Shudder
Everyone loves a good mystery. It’s practically ingrained in our DNA. Whether it’s a tale of global espionage or just wondering who it is...

Zenescope's Conspiracy is the Timely Horror Mystery We Need
Crisis actors. Reptilian overlords. Secret societies controlling and manipulating every aspect of our daily lives. These are just a few...

The Tell-Tale Heart is easily one of the most well known and recognizable stories of Edgar Allen Poe and, arguably, one of the greatest...

WiHFF 2018 Shatters Expectations in Peachtree City
Returning to the Women in Horror Film Festival felt like coming home. Within minutes of arriving I was greeted by familiar faces, warm...

Inhumanity - A Timely Story Told in Familiar Tones
Inhumanity is a film that lives up to its name in the most melodramatic sense. The story of a rapist serial killer, a shadowy...

Board to Death- Munchkin Cthulhu
Jeff and Haley have been burning up Twitch with Slayaway Camp, Witcher, and several other horror inspired video games lately. I’ve...

Veronica - Just Another Teen Monster Movie
I got sucked in by the trailer, by the hype, and I really should have known better. Veronica is billed by almost everyone as being so...