Danno Did Dragon Con!
Note: While the author intentionally waited until after Dragon Con had concluded to write a comprehensive retrospective of the event,...
Pre-Gaming Dragon Con 2019
We’re 2 weeks away from Dragon Con 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia and while the Southeastern fan convention isn’t as widely known for horror as...
Boo Heads to Atlanta for Dragon Con
Rakefet Abergel has become a master storyteller in her films and, with Boo's unique twist, she'll have horror fans cheering.
The Cult of the Carpet
If you were at Dragon Con this past weekend you no doubt noticed displays of a bizarre and intricate nature. From stickers and fliers to...
Tis the Season for Bleedin' at Dragon Con
Whether you choose to donate blood or plasma the important thing to keep in mind is that an hour of your time can literally save a life. So,
Cosplay Confidential
One of the most amazing things about DragonCon in Atlanta was the cosplay. For those unfamiliar with the term, it’s costuming to portray...
Shaking Hands at DragonCon
I’m not a big crowd person. I usually feel uncomfortable in large groups because I don’t know anyone and a lifetime of being the weird...
Blood for the Dragon!
Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston, Corpus Christi, and much of the Texas coast days before DragonCon 2017 was set to begin in Atlanta,...