Dangerous Hashtags, Acceptable Homicide, and Dissecting the Soska Ban
It has never been a matter of "protecting" users... it's all about content control.

Is Anywhere Safe for Horror on Social Media?
We have created our best friend and most dangerous enemy in social media.

#Horror - Is It Worth the Fight?
A couple of weeks ago I sent a letter out to some of the biggest names in horror journalism including Fangoria and Rue Morgue hoping to...

Women In Horror Film Festival Returns in 2020, Announces Guest Jury
The Women in Horror Film Festival has been hard at work, preparing for the third installment of the fest. Co-founder & fest director...

Murder Puppets and Awkward Conversation in Francis Makes a Friend
You know things are going off the rails when a bizarre rabbit painting becomes and even more bizarre puppet and starts talking to you in...

Scary Stories Documentary Captures Culture, Legacy of Alvin Schwartz
If you were a child of the late 80's and 90's your first experience into the world of horror may very well have come from the shelves of...

A Year of Women in Horror - Caitlin Doughty & the Death Positive Movement
You are going to die. No, it’s not a threat, just a friendly reminder about your own mortality which horror all too cheerfully helps you...

Creepshow Bringing Adrienne Barbeau, "Gray Matter" to Shudder
Shudder, AMC Networks’ premium streaming service for horror, thriller and the supernatural, today announced initial casting for its...

The Zombie Apocalypse is a Family Affair in Santa Clarita Diet
Oh, Netflix, how you love to create short seasons of incredible shows that must be binge watched and reviewed. Season 3 of Santa Clarita...

Who Does the #horror Embargo Hurt?
I have had a few people ask me lately what the big deal is over the #horror embargo that's happening on Instagram. "Why not use another...