Haleyween FX
Smoky Eye Beauty Makeup
This week Haley uses Rebel Rouge Labs’ Oracle Palette, which she got from last week’s unboxing, along with the matte lipsticks and the Memento Mori Setting Spray she creates an easy smoky eye makeup. Skill: Easy
Trypophobia Nightmare
This Week Haley shows us how to create a creepy look that will give anyone with trypohobia (fear of Small holes) a nightmare! Skill level - medium
What are Nernies you may ask? They are bits of “flesh” and these are great for ripping out a wound or showing the bloody aftermath and award-winning makeup artist Haley JoAnna shows you how to make them
This week Haley JoAnna shows us how to make intestines. These have been used in several short and feature films as well they make gross Halloween decorations. Special thanks to Jackson Baker for his portrayal as the disemboweled man.
Easy Pennywise Makeup
Haley recreates an easy makeup of Pennywise from It (2017). Skill Level: Easy
Cheek Rot Zombie
This is debut of the series Haleyween FX. Come with award winning makeup artist Haley JoAnna as she shows how to do different makeups and tries new Special Effects products. This week, she tries Tinsley Transfers’ Cheek Decay 3D FX Transfers and creates a bloody Zombie.