Can You Handle The Scream Test?

Throughout the past few years there have been challenges that have gone viral over the internet, some that has done some good, like the ice bucket challenge while others have had participants, literally, set themselves on fire. Here is a new one: can you watch 4 hours of screams?
Shudder has compiled a video, “A stream of Screams,” which are horror film screams that range from blockbusters to B-movie fare. Now, the question is, how long can you last? Will you make it to see some of your favorites films or will the screams get too intense?
I have not personally tried this challenge myself, because it’s hard for me to do anything for 4 hours at a time without stopping or getting bored. But for those of you still nursing your wounds from the last challenge this may be the best and most opportune time to get another challenge out of the way. The up side: It’s less painful. Let us know if you try it and tell us your results.