Womp Stomp Announces Terrifying New Project - Pathosis
Womp Stomp Films, best known for their breakout hit Never Hike Alone are at it again with a film concept that may prove even more terrifying than their last. Pathosis is the story of a woman plagued by mental illness and the monsters that exist between her disease and recovery. Just announced earlier this week, the production is already offering a stunning look at this horrific new short and is once again giving fans a chance to be involved with the production.

Pathosis is the story of a young woman named Sam who is battling a so far undisclosed mental disorder and is struggling with the side effects of her medication as well as the disease itself. Brazilian actress Luciana Faulhaber (Gotham) is already on board to play the lead and the film is set to be directed by Austin Bonang who you may recall is the cinematographer behind the incredible Quick Silver kitchen scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past. In fact, Bonang is so excited about this project that he has already offered a previs of an anticipated scene in the upcoming horror short.
A previs or previsualization is sort of an animated storyboard. It offers a sense of what the scene is anticipated to be and, in the case of Pathosis, is being used to encourage donors to join the IndieGoGo campaign. If you can't pull it up on the IndieGoGo page I'll give you a brief run down. Sam is walking into the hallway at night. It's dark. Between her and a door at the far end of the hall is a silhouetted figure curled down in an unnatural position, eyes glowing white. Startled, she turns on the light on her cell phone to find nothing but muddy hand and foot prints on the floor leading to the kitchen where something is now hanging in the doorway.
If you've seen Never Hike Alone then you know exactly how devoted and driven to excellent the folks at Womp Stomp really are. They want to make the best horror possible for fans of the genre. Their Friday the 13th fan film is, hands down, the best F13 we've seen since number 3 and this original short promises to be chilling, ghastly, and haunting with a powerful real world message hidden in plain sight.

A complete breakdown of where your donation will go.
Womp Stomp's crowdfunding campaign for Pathosis is running right now and doesn't end until New Year's Day 2019. With a production goal of $15,000 the campaign ha already raised a third of that at nearly $6,000. The perks for donating, aside from being a part of indie horror cinema, include T-shirts, stickers, and other cool prizes.You can donate anywhere from $10 to $2,000 and, if you're looking for a gift that will just absolutely blow away that horror fan in your life, donating in their name to this campaign would be an excellent way to say "Merry Christmas."
You can find all of the details about Pathosis here at the IndieGoGo site and, of course, we'll be updating you on this project as it develops. Team Pathosis is #makingthatscary this holiday season and you can too.
Dan is an author, editorialist, podcaster, and horror culture & lifestyle correspondent from the Southeast. You can find Dan's stories at Danno of the Dead Blog and through PDI Press.